
Initial interview for you to decide if I am the doula for you (no charge or obligation at this meeting). I prefer, if at all possible, to meet with both parents at this interview.

If you hire me, you will receive the following services:
2 to 3 more visits (one of which can be to accompany you to the doctor or midwife). At these visits we will get to know one another, iron out your birth plan, talk about pain control strategies, discuss childbirth education courses, discuss your plans for after the birth (medication treatments you do or do not want for your baby, breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding…). It is important for you to understand that I work for YOU. I do not work for the hospital or doctor. Unlimited phone consultations, e-mail, text conversations… to answer any questions you may have.

I will accompany you to the hospital, birth center or, if you are having a home birth, then your home. I will come to you whenever and wherever you desire. If you are laboring at home prior to going to the hospital and want my support, then I will meet you at home and then accompany you to the hospital when you feel the time is right. I am on call 24 hours a day starting when you are 38 weeks along and up to the date of your delivery.

I do NOT make medical decisions for you during your pregnancy and/or labor. I provide emotional support, strategies to improve relaxation and physical comfort and, if asked, will ASSIST in communicating with the medical staff to help you understand what is happening and make your own, informed, decisions. I will make suggestions for strategies that I have found helpful to help your labor progress and keep you comfortable. These may include, relaxation techniques, breathing patterns, massage, changing positions…

Following the birth, I will assist you with beginning breastfeeding if desired. Breastfeeding your baby early and getting a proper latch from the beginning, can greatly improve your chances of having a positive breastfeeding experience. I am so committed to helping mothers successfully breastfeed their babies, that I will provide continued support (by phone or in your home) for the first year of the babies life for any breastfeeding issues that the mother encounters. I will stay with you for up to 3 or 4 hours. Or I will leave sooner, if that is your desire to give you private, family time.

I will meet with you in your home sometime during the 1st week after delivery. During this visit I will give breastfeeding support, answer any questions, answer questions regarding ways to make the postpartum recovery period more comfortable, review the birth and discuss how you feel about how things went, and receive feedback from you regarding my services.